Creative Sacred Living Magazine December 2014 | Page 33

its very structure. The electron clouds that make up the shapes of every atom, for instance must be in the form of three-dimensional patterns. And, of course, all solid objects are made up of these geometrically shaped atoms.

Amazing works of art have been mysteriously appearing throughout the world in cropland such as cornfields, etc. Whether they are just the result of ordinary human artists or not, crop circles have inspired millions with their beauty and elegance and possible otherworldly origin. Many UFO sightings, alien sightings, and other unusual phenomenon have been seen and felt around or near crop circles. The crop circles are a universal art form thriving on mystery and anonymity. Crop circles do sometimes appear to mimic atoms or the orbits of alien solar systems. If intelligent life from other worlds and dimensions is visiting the planet we live on, then most likely they are wisely remaining hidden and obscure until humankind is ready to evolve out of the darkness and conceitedness it has struggled with for centuries. It has been said by Bashar (Channeled through Darryl Anka) that in 2012, an "extraterrestrial quarantine" will end and Earth will from then be considered "safe" for visitors from other worlds to land on.

The universe is consciousness learning about itself. One can see in the beautiful and universal designs of sacred geometry the connectedness of all things. Sacred geometry embodies the notion that all of nature is organized geometrically. And all this geometry is not limited to the third dimension, but possibly extends into countless other dimensions and even the dimensions of the spirit or soul. What happens when one closes one's eyes in front of a strobe light?

One sees something quite remarkable: amazing geometric patterns and swirls very similar to some of the designs found in crop circles and in the Flower of Life that timeless geometric symbol often found on the floors and walls of of some of the most ancient temples ever discovered. The universe is consciousness learning about itself!

Geometry is the ultimate basis of all reality. It is only through the dimensions of geometric space that all things interact in an orderly pattern just as a geodesic sphere, all life forms, and natural crystal structures for example reflect various universal laws such as those of mathematics and those of physics.

What is energy? An object with energy is a three-dimensional object in motion: either spinning, moving through space or both. In the real world, the fourth dimension (or fourth direction) of time is essential if any sort of motion is to exist. Energy is therefore nothing more than four-dimensional geometry!

There really is no motion, only in the way a four-dimensional object is observed makes it appear that it is in motion.

The real source of all energy

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