Creative Sacred Living Magazine December 2014 | Page 2

Thanks to all those who have contributed and supported Creative Sacred Living over this past year.

As the last issue of the year is published I am putting the magazine on Hiatus.

From the autumnal equinox and through the winter solstice I have been doing some deep soul searching and listening. I've been calling in and letting go in all aspects of my life... personal, creative, business.

What I have come to feel is right with the magazine is to give myself time to put a few other projects I am working on in order so that I can again, give focus to the magazine and really help it emerge into what I have always felt it could be.

Going forward in the new year, I am focusing on the development of new strategies and offerings that incorporate the best of what I originally intended Creative Sacred Living to be... A collabrative merging of creativity and the sacred.

The magazine will be on hold for a couple of months in the beginning of the new

year. I will continue to keep everyone updated on our plans.

I thank you all for your encouragement and patience. To continue receiving daily

updates , please follow Creative Sacred Living Magazine on our Facebook page

and you can also join the Creative Sacred Living Community that will still remain


Creative and Sacred Blessings in the New Year!


Decembers issue of the magazine contains selected articles that we personally enjoyed reading or had positive feedback on, from each issue of the magzine in 2014!

From The Editor