Creative Sacred Living Magazine Autumn Equinox 2015 | Page 35

“July 01, 2015: Sitting here outside in the grass, listening to the rustling of the leaves as the warm summer breeze blows through the trees, the birds singing and the sun on my face takes me away to when I was 13 years old......Living on the farm, meandering through the thick forest of the 180 acres of wilderness, connecting to the horses who we “adopted” and sitting on my favorite rock under the waterfall at the end of the fast moving brook that I would often go to when I needed solitude...”

“July 02, 2015: I can feel my younger self, my inner child awakening. Of how it was before and in between all the mess. The young girl who drew, wrote poetry and short stories, played the flute, loved calligraphy, animals and nature. I feel her very strong today. It feels bittersweet. I feels like time is running out but at the same time I feel immense JOY emerging as I have acknowledged her today.”

In Elizabeth Lesser’s beautiful book, Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow, she writes:

“To listen to your soul is to stop fighting with life--to stop fighting when things fall apart; when they don't go our way, when we get sick, when we are betrayed or mistreated or misunderstood. To listen to the soul is to slow down, to feel deeply, to see ourselves clearly, to surrender to discomfort and uncertainty and to wait. ”

Through the grief of my broken heart, I am finding renewed life, love and sisterhood. Through the scary news of my health I am revitalizing my physical being. I am now embracing the transition of autumn that leads into the silent season of winter and I wait.

Right before Mabon I created what I call a Wheel of the Year Dreamboard. From Sabbat to Sabbat, season to season, how do I want to see my life unfold in close connection to the seasons and the turning of the year?

This dream-board was entirely Spirit led. I did not create an intention but based it upon what my Soul wants to speak to me about and what are some of the things my Soul needs from me in order to thrive.

This is what unfolded for me through my Mabon dream-board

After the dream-board was complete, I sat down and did some free-form writing. Again, completely Spirit and intuitively based.

The Creation of "I" - I AM strong, I AM Beautiful, I AM Healthy and Whole, I AM Love, I AM a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, I AM a Goddess, I AM a Wounded Healer, I AM a Witch, I AM Creative, I AM an Artist.