Creative Mélange The Wander Issue | Page 90

pipe "Wakingupeverydaynot knowing what istohappen?that isthe freedomIthirst for." ?I can never read all t he books I want ; I can never be all t he people I want and live all t he lives I want . I can never t rain myself in all t he skills I want . And why do I want ? I want t o live and feel all t he shades, t ones and variat ions of ment al and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limit ed.? ? Sylvia Plat h, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plat h +++++ I ?m not in t he habit of sleeping much, but I dream a lot anyway. Cont rary t o popular opinion, dreaming is inversely proport ional t o sleeping. The desires and aspirat ions t hat t ake shape when we?re awake plague us on a daily basis. And t he more we sleep, t he less we consciously yearn, and, t hus, t he less we dream. L ist less beings who want not hing sleep as a way t o bury t heir inert ia; awake or not , t heir minds are empt y. Average cit izens wit h nine- t o- five jobs sleep seven t o eight hours per night and spend t heir remaining free t ime pondering over daily life goals: finish t his report , buy t hat for dinner. Then t here are people like me, people who sleep lit t le and dream a lot , t hus hungering for more- - more of anyt hing- - t han we are allowed t o. Trying t o have my cake and eat it t oo would pose a dilemma t hat , in t urn, would keep me up at night ? a vicious and endless cycle. 91 90