Creative Mélange The Wander Issue | Page 84

Lost Amanda ?Come on L uke, wrap it up. Can we please go home? I ?m st arving.? That was what I used t o say. ?Okay, calm down. I ?m nearly done. Just five more minut es and I will be rich.? That was how L uke used t o answer. And well, t hat was how we used t o be. L uke and I had been best friends since 6t h grade. Back t hen he was an adorable dwarf, short , chubby and generous. I , on t he ot her hand, happened t o come by a t it le at a very early age. I was called Amanda t he M ama. Compared t o my peers, I looked old and mat ure. I was much t aller t han he was, and I looked st ronger t oo. Amanda Shield was simply L uke?s prot ect or. W hen we ent ered secondary school, t hings got a bit more complicat ed. L uke was now growing. His handsome look and undeniable charisma put every girl in t he corridor in awe. I, well, unfort unat ely, didn?t have t he look Nancy Tran I wished I could have. M y face was covered wit h pimples and scrat ches. Every day I t urned up t o class wit h a pair of dirt y glasses on my nose. M y clot hes and t rainers were all second- hand. I didn?t know Gucci clot hes or Nike t rainers. One t ime I was lat e for class. The t eacher called out my name. No answer. Two seconds lat er, I was st omping int o class, pant ing. From various direct ions in t he classroom, kids were laughing and exchanging codified jokes wit h each ot her, leaving me t o st and awkwardly. Then, all of a sudden, L uke st ood up and walked t owards me. Wit h his t all slim figure, broad shoulders and precious sparkling eyes, L uke was t he prince of Alfourous Secondary School. Gent le and amiable as he always was, he led me t o a seat t hat he had saved for me earlier on. ?Good morning blockhead, why can?t you st op causing t rouble?? L uke smiled warmly and whispered what he considered words of wisdom t o my ear. I replied, ?Sorry, I went t o bed lat e last night ,? and t hen we 85 84 carried on wit h class. No fuss, not hing major; t hat was part of my everyday rout ine. Everyt hing pract ically st ayed t he same unt il L uke and I t urned sevent een. I was st ill clumsy and ne rdy, but most import ant ly, st ill t he best friend of L uke Blaze, t he hot t est guy in school. From t hen on, t he st ory became more about L uke t han it was about me. M y exist ence gradually faded int o t he background. I was no longer t he main charact er of t he drama.L uke was smart , kind and hardworking, a perfect guy who had all t he charact erist ics one would expect any gent leman t o have. A few mont hs ago he got offered a scholarship by Columbia Universit y, my dream school. He t urned down t he offer wit hout a second t hought and t old people he?d rat her finish high school first . All along I knew t hat it was just one of his t errible excuses t o put off people?s curiosit y. Underneat h t he surface, t here were ot her reasons t hat I didn?t know yet .