Creative Mélange The Wander Issue | Page 8

THEWANDERCROSSWORD Across 5. K eep put of sight , concealed 9. Unable t o defend oneself or t o act wit hout help 11. Showing st rong feelings or believes 12. Bold, unusual, and st art ling 13. Disappear suddenly and complet ely 15. Unable t o t hink clearly; bewildered 17. Having mixed feelings or cont radict ory ideas about somet hing or someone 18. The charact erist ic of not t hinking or caring about t he consequences of an act ion 20. Not present as part of somet hing - - Down 1. Feeling uncert ain about somet hing, having t he t endency t o suspect t hings 2. Wit hout a purpose or direct ion 3. A st at e of despair, t ypically one t hat result s in rash or ext reme behaviour 4. Ext remely angry 6. Unclear or inexact because a choice bet ween alt ernat ives has not been made 7. L acking any principle of organizat ion, random 8. The inabilit y t o make t he decision quickly 9. The act ion of pausing or hesit at ing before saying or doing somet hing 10. Unable t o find one's way; not knowing one's whereabout s 14. Wit hout having a clearly defined shape or form 16. A st rong feeling of want ing t o have somet hing or wishing for somet hing t o happen 19. Be undecided bet ween t wo opinions or courses of act ion; be irresolut e 9 8