Creative Mélange The Wander Issue | Page 52

MUSI C REVI EW Cry Baby, Melanie Martinez My Head is an Animal, Of Monsters and Men W hat comes t o your mind when you hear words like ?dollhouse?, ?soap?, ?t raining wheels?, and ?M rs. Pot at o Head?? I mages and object s t hat remind you of a blissful childhood? M elanie M art inez?s album Cry Baby creat ively infuses mat ure concept s int o t hese seemingly childish words. This adapt at ion makes it very difficult for list eners t o guess t he cont ent of t he songs before act ually list ening t o t hem. For inst ance, t he song ?Dollhouse?, unlike it s name, in act ualit y cont rast s a seemingly perfect ext rovert ed life wit h an int rovert ed life full of t urmoil and devast at ion. ?M rs. Pot at o Head? incorporat es t he use of met aphor by comparing cust omized children?s t oy t o plast ic surgery. I n addit ion t o her ingenious songwrit ing skills, M elanie M art inez?s unforget t ably soft vocals enhance t he power of t he songs. She sings provocat ive lyrics emot ionally and wholeheart edly, suggest ing t hat she is not afraid t o reveal her inner feelings t o her audience. This album will most likely appeal t o lovers of pop and/or alt ernat ive music, as it appropriat ely fuses quirky melodies wit h heart felt lyrical cont ent s. There is a saying, ?I f you want t o t ravel in t ime, read, but if you want t o escape t ime, list en t o music.? This st at ement is only part ially correct , as t here exist s a mast erpiece t hat will allow you t o perform bot h: Of M onst ers and M en?s first album M y Head is an Animal. Of M onst ers and M en?s st yle is unlike t hat of any ot her. The mesmerizing blend of t he fragile female vocal and husky male vocal is indubit ably ent hralling and capt ivat ing. The most out st anding feat ures of t his album are it s exist ing met aphors, fable- like lyrics, and subt le st oryline. ?Howling ghost s t hey reappear I n mount ains t hat are st acked wit h fear But you're a king and I 'm a lion- heart .? The song lyrics in t his album are accompanied by organic inst rument al music and acoust ic verses, making t he songs resemble haunt ingly beaut iful lullabies. I f you are looking for a bedt ime st ory t o free yourself from all of your t roubles and fill up t he vacancy in your heart , M y Head I s an Animal is t he perfect opt ion. St andout t racks: Dollhouse, Carousel, Soap, Training W heels, Pit y Part y, M rs. Pot at o Head, M ad Hat t er (Nhu Pham) (Daniel K im) 53 52