Creative Mélange The Wander Issue | Page 36

From an Exotic City to a Tranquil Village in Northern Vietnam Ngoc Khue Nort hern Viet nam has long been known for it s diversit y of cult ure and people. I n perspect ive of t he nat ion?s hist ory, Viet namese t radit ions most ly originat e from t he Nort h. Therefore, t o explore t he root s of t he nat ion, t here is no bet t er way t han set t ing out on a journey, wandering from t he heart of t he count ry ? Hanoi t o t he fart hest Nort hern point and a gorgeous corner of Viet nam ? Ha Giang. The eight - hour drive from Hanoi t o Ha Giang is t he loop bet ween t he bust le of t he cit y and t he quiet ranges of mount ains and valleys. Coming t o Dong Van Plat eau, which has recent ly become a t ourist dest inat ion, we can begin t o see et hnic cust oms flourish. The most st riking feat ure t hat we cannot pass unnot iced is t he way et hnic people appreciat e st one. The t radit ion st ems from Ha Giang?s geography wit h most lands covered by st one rat her t han soil. The majorit y of houses around t he t own are surrounded by st one fences, which bot h adult s and children spend years select ing st ones for and building up. They spend leisure t ime sit t ing around t he st one fences t elling ghost st ories, t urning t he ground around t he fences int o places for gossips and t rading. Gradually, a small communit y are built around t hese fences, signifying a considerable part in t heir spirit s. 37 36