Creative Mélange The Wander Issue | Page 20

Key to a Sparkling Lifestyle: Healthy Eating Trang Kim Bui A favorit e meal provides short - lived sat isfact ion. A healt hy meal promot es t he foundat ion for a healt hy lifest yle, a great improvement in shape and mood, and a long- t erm sense of well- being. I nst agrammer Evelyn Nguyen (@evelynnguyenxd), a Nut rit ional Biochemist ry and English major at M ount Holyoke College (USA), is here t oday t o t alk about her healt hy eat ing habit . Q: Wh at sp arked your in t erest s? Q: Wh at is your usual d iet p lan ? A: M y source of inspirat ion came t hree years ago. I remember spending weekends reading and wat ching YouTube videos about what was in my food and looking up all of t he chemical addit ives on my food labels, and I was so amazed at all of t he t hings I did not know. I was just surprised t hat I want ed t o be a Pre- med (st udent ) and work in t he healt h indust ry, but I was so blind t o t he most import ant and basic t hing relat ed t o healt h. Only by clean eat ing, which is now a lifest yle, t hat I am able t o eat wit hout fear of healt h damage and also t o feel good aft erwards. So, in short , it was about t hree years ago t hat I st opped eat ing red meat . A: I don't follow cert ain diet s. I eat t he best out of what I 'm given in different sit uat ions. Basically, my diet can be called a Pesce- Pollot arian diet , where I t echnically eat poult ry and seafood (no red meat at all), but normally I don't drink milk, and I eat minimal amount s of cheese. I don't eat chicken t hat oft en. I do eat yogurt t hough, especially Greek and lact ose- free (yogurt ). I like seafood, and I eat plain fish, sushi, and salmon once or t wice every week. I eat t ons of veggies, fruit s, and nut s. Smoot hies and salads are also my favorit e. I like t hem for t hey're colorful. 21 20