Creative Mélange The Wander Issue | Page 14

NEWS REPORT BY NHU TRAN ANew Chapter: Pope in Congress K ind eyes, a lov ing smile, and a hum ble yet pow er ful aura?t hese were some of t he t hings His Holiness Pope Francis brought t o t he Unit ed St at es dur ing his 6- day visit . His visit marked t he first offi cial visit by a reign ing Pope t o U.S soil since t he 1960s. Wit hin only 6 days in t he ?land of freedom,? t he ?M essen ger from God? had made a signif i cant impact on all of it s cit i zens. From polit icians and lawmak ers t o prison inmat es and t he home less, Pope Fran cis received adu lat ion from crowds of t housands wher ever he went . t heir coun t ry and im prove t heir lives. His speech implied t hat t he mod ern socio- polit ical world has been more about polit i cians, and less about t he people. Pope Francis lat er st at ed: ?I f pol i t ics must t ruly be at t he ser vice of t he human per son, it fol lows t hat it cannot be a slave t o t he economy and finance.? The high light of t he t rip was unar guably his speech at a joint ses sion in Con gress. M any now refers t o t his as a hist oric speech due t o it s per fect t im ing in relat ions t o what is cur rent ly going on wit h t he U.S. Cur rent ly, t he U.S gov ern ment is on t he verge of shut t ing down for a sec ond t ime and in t he midst of many global issues. Ex pressing his appreci at ion t o t he U.S, ?I am most grat eful for your invi t at ion t o address t his Joint Ses sion of Congress in ?t he land of t he free and t he home of t he brave?,? Pope Francis capt ured t he very essence of t he coun t ry. His open ing words, which set t he t one for t he rest of his speech, were met wit h a massive round of applause. He went on t o describe t he Amer ican spirit , ?The com plex i t ies of hist ory and t he real it y of human weak ness not wit hst anding, t hese men and women, for all t heir many dif fer ences and limi t at ions, were able by hard work and selfsacrifice ? some at t he cost of t heir lives ? t o build a bet t er fut ure,? segue ing int o t he con t rover sial is sue of ac cept ing refugees from t he M id dle East . Pope Fran cis brought list en ers? at t ent ion from t he broad aspect s of t his cri sis back t o t he human it ar ian an gle of t his global issue: ?We must not be t aken aback by t heir num bers, but rat her view t hem as per sons, see ing t heir faces and lis t en ing t o t heir st ories, t rying t o respond as best we can t o t heir sit uat ion. To respond in a way which is al ways humane, just and frat er nal.? This per haps was one of t he cli max in his speech, as t he Pope, upon fin ishing his sent ence, received a st anding ovat ion. Pope Fran cis com menced his speech by re mind ing t he at t endees t hat t he pur pose of t heir jobs is t o pro t ect t he peo ple of On a dif fer ent not e, as sert ing, ? We know t hat no reli gion is immune from forms of in di vid ual delu sion or ideo log i cal ex t rem- 15 14 ism...But t here is anot her t empt at ion which we must es pe cially guard against : t he sim plist ic reduct ion ism which sees only good or evil,? Pope Fran cis also addressed t he idea of reli gious t ol erance. There has been out right discrim i na t ion of I slam ever since t he rise of t he non- West ern world, recent ly wit h t he ex ample of t he 14- year- boy Ahmed M ohamed who got ar rest ed for bringing a clock t o class t hat was mist aken for a bomb. Fur t her more, Pope Francis condemned t he sale of weapons of mass dest ruc t ions (W M Ds) t o t hose who plan t o inflict suffer ings on individuals and so ci et y. Sadly, t he t rut h behind t his inhumane act , as we all know, is sim ply money: money t hat would soon be drenched in blood, of t en in no cent blood. Decry ing t his deed, ?I n t he face of t his shameful and cul pable si lence, it is our dut y t o con front t he problem and t o st op t he arms t rade.? A re cur ring t heme t hrough out Pope Francis?s speech: dreams. I n his opin ion, dreams are t he driving force of t he Amer ican people and are ?t he rich ness of your cult ural her it age.? To him, it was and st ill is t he Amer i can Dream t hat brought t he nat ion t o it s current st at us. I t is t hrough dreams t hat he urged changes be made t o im prove issues men t ioned above. And wit h t hat no t ion, he ended his speech wit h t he unmist akable, un for get t able ?God bless America!?