Creative Junction Magazine April 2017 | Page 19

How one woman has gone from burn-out to six figures...

What made you go into business?

I wanted to be part of the world on an inspirational level. Which was funny because at the time I felt like I had no real story. No real rags to riches kinda novel. I still don’t but I want to represent the women who have had a great life see that they too are worth being heard.

I wanted to prove to my self that I could create a profitable business.

What has been your biggest struggle so far?

It was self belief. I logically knew what to do. I had helped build other peoples businesses. But what I totally underestimated was that I didn’t know that I harboured self belief issues, money blocks and self doubt plagued me.

Now I teach the success mindset principles first because that was the ONLY thing that catapulted my biz. It wasn’t a fancy funnel, or marketing plan because if you don’t belief in yourself you execute NOTHING!

What is your biggest success?

Hitting 6 figures this last financial year.

Who is in your immediate family and what do they think of your success?

I have a husband and two daughters aged 5 and 9. Oh and our dog Monty. My husband thinks I have some kind of celebrity status…He really needs to get a grip ahah! Nah seriously he thinks all I do is sip lattes. My two girls think it is amazing that I get to empower women…This really was a pivotal point in my life being the mother to two girls.

What's your fondest memory?

Having my second daughter. She was a natural brith and I had done hypo birthing with her. It was the most present I have ever been and I mooed like a cow (according to my husband!) and fist pump and yelled “YES I did it!” Even before I asked what sex the babe was LOL!

How do you sell?

I sell everyday. I use the philosophy that cafe does…And that is you show the menu and take the order. Never once do you walk into a cafe and they are just offering value…Damn it gimme my coffee! So that is how I treat my social media, website and newsletters. There will always be an offer or a call to action.

Why sales?

Sales brings you cash, which you need to survive. But mostly because it is the oxygen your business needs to grow. Sales is the final part in all the hard work you do…With out selling, and having a process you pretty much just have an expensive hobby. People know you are in business so it isn’t weird to sell…It is weird when you don’t!

"Perhaps it is time to look at all the great work you have been doing, the hard work you have been putting in and just simply finish the process. There are often simple ways to start bringing in the sales.

I am calling for a group of babes in biz who are ready to own their thrones...To become a sales queen. To find a way that works for them. To get comfortable with the whole selling thang...To demystify what we thinks sales is....And to own it!

Read more about the Queen Of Sales programme HERE:

PS> The price starts from as little as $297....Their is NO Facebook group to distract you...Just pure action.

4 week programme with emails, audios and kick ass worksheets to get you selling!

Are you in?

Nat is coming to Whangarei!

For more information check out