Creative Child May 2018 | Page 23

Unplug and play. Bored kids want to be on screens, and that’s okay sometimes, but we don’t want zombie kids who lay around all summer watching YouTube videos. You know what they say, “Kids don’t remember their best day of television.” Lead the way by putting your own devices away and inviting kids to play. Board and card games are a great, low-key way to end boredom and get the family together. We are loving Castle Panic and Boss Monster. My friends love Catan, Forbidden Island, Dragonwood, Ticket to Ride, and Pandemic. Make a memorable bucket list. Making a bucket list ensures a good amount of togetherness and summer fun while giving the kids lots to look forward to and check off. It feels good to check something off a list! There are lots of versions online to choose from, or just create your own! My personal favorite way to do this is to hang a poster board on the wall and draw a line down the middle. On the left, write TO DO and on the right, DONE. Write your ideas on post- it notes and place them all on the TO DO side. Simply move them over as you complete them. Try something new. Encourage your kids to pick up a new instrument, take a kids’ cooking class, or write their own comic book. Maybe they’d like to learn to crochet or take swimming lessons. Summer is the perfect time to discover new passions and learn new skills! 22