Creative Child April 2018 | Page 33

After some warning and discussion between the three of us , my husband and I decided we would take his electronics away until his grades improved . Grudgingly , my son handed them over for a three-month period and the change in him was hard to dismiss .
Perhaps the most obvious change that happened when his screen time was taken away was the simple fact that he was found other things to fill his time . Suddenly my son , who hadn ’ t touched his Legos in months , started rebuilding all the broken Lego sets , building his own creations , and he even ( gasp ) cleaned his room . I found him reading books that had been collecting dust on shelves , playing with his younger siblings , and he started journaling and sketching more than usual . These were things he enjoyed before but now he had more time and less distractions to enjoy them .
After spending time doing his rediscovered hobbies like writing , reading , art , and creating he seemed to have a total turn around with his attitude and overall mood . He would spend time talking to us and his siblings and even invited us to play board games with him . While we played games we snacked on popcorn , laughed , and chatted without looking at our phones or checking in on social media .