Creating Genius Magazine Summer Issue | Page 26

s u c c e s s Visual Storyteller Freeman White III for Entrepreneurs As a student of human nature, Freeman White III is always searching for his next canvas, whether it’s a two story art studio or an entire city. In college, he was the student who ended up creating a micro documentary instead of ten minute oral presentation. This was not a symptom of over-achiever, however, it was an obsession with film and broadcasting gear. The documentary became such a hit that it later aired on public television. The topic: buffalo grass. A few years later, Freeman made his way out to California and took an assistant position with Wesley Snipes. “I did that for three months before I got fired because I wasn’t good at fetching. They weren’t looking for a lot of feedback in that position. They weren’t looking for a director in an assistant position.” Interestingly enough, before the conversation ended, Wesley Snipes asked Freeman to become the Manager of Operations for his entire film company. That was an opportunity he couldn’t resist. Today, located in the heart of downtown Las Vegas, Freeman now runs an all-media creative space called Fremont East Studios. Inside, the team is focused on telling stories about entrepreneurs and brands who want to get their message out there. “We start with your story because all the information you put out there to engage with your audience is meant to do just that: tell a story,” said Freeman. Freeman and the team at Fremont East Studios provide their creative and visual arts services to entrepreneurs all over the country. “We get our creative team together and put th