CR3 News Magazine 2020 VOL 1: JANUARY National Radon Action Month | Page 21


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The major symptoms of lung cancer due to radon poisoning in cats include:

• Weight loss

• Having problems in breathing

• Coughing consistently

• Loss of appetite and lameness

• Extreme tiredness

• Coughing up blood

You can prevent such things by taking a few precautions such as installing a radon mitigation system, proper ventilation and circulation in your house and ensuring that there are no cracks or gaps in the flooring. Do not allow radon gas to be trapped inside your house. This can increase the radon level in

your house.

Other than all these safety precautions, make sure that you take your dogs and cats for a medical checkup on a regular basis. A regular medical checkup may help you detect any early signs of cancer early. This will enable you to take actions to prevent the disease from advancing.

Precautions And Safety Measures

Few precautions and safety measure can be taken by you such as:

• Test your house for radon levels

• Install a radon mitigation system

• Ensure proper ventilation in your house

• Repair all the cracks on the floor and

fill all the gaps

What Is Radon And Radon Poisoning?

Radon is a noble gas. It is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. Radon gas is produced when radioactive elements such as radium, uranium and thorium break down in rocks, soil or groundwater. After the break down of these elements, the gas is released into the air. Radon is a tasteless, odorless and invisible gas.

Radon gets into your home through the cracks and gaps in the floor or any unsealed ground area. You get exposed to radon while breathing it in along with air.

Radon poisoning refers to the situation when a large amount of radon enters your body and cause harmful and dangerous physical changes. Due to its colorless and odorless nature, it is not detectable by human senses.

Radon poisoning does not have similar symptoms as other radioactive elements. Its exposure can lead to lung cancer as well. Radon poisoning does not give any indication or sign of exposure.

Final Talk

Your pets are also your dearest friends and, you should take actions for their well being. Your animals are at a higher risk of being affected by radon gas than you. They spend more time in the house than you. There can be instances when the radon level in your house is more than the acceptable level, which is dangerous for you as well as your pets.

This article provides you with detailed information about radon poisoning in pets. It will help you to easily identify the symptoms. It is recommended to take early precautions rather than waiting for the symptoms to be visible as prevention is always better

than cure.
