CPABC in Focus November/ December 2015 | Page 24

More than 1,100 Aboriginal workers are now entering the trades annually in BC Provincial and federal governments are funding and supporting initiatives to employ First Nations workers. For example, BC has an active initiative to train and hire new workers in trade occupations. The Aboriginals in Trades Training program, which is funded by federal-provincial government labour market agreements32 and managed by BC’s Industry Training Authority (ITA), has been instrumental in doubling trades training enrolment since 2006-2007.33 According to the ITA, more than 1,100 Aboriginal workers are now entering the trades annually in BC.34 Supported by government funding, many Aboriginal training organizations have been established in BC to boost Aboriginal employment at the local level. The North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society (NVIATS) is one example. Operating under the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ASETS), which is funded by Employment and Socia ]