CPA Mags 2016 1601 | Page 45

The traffic and weather data comes out of the UAT as serial data that goes to a wi-fi module and the Avidyne display. There is also an ARINC 429 databus that goes from the UAT to the IFD. I’m sure some people are smart enough to keep all of this in their head, but I had to start writing it down. I have been making technical drawings for a long time as an Avionics Engineer, and I was able to put some of that experience to work for myself. I started with a glideslope antenna, and a few weeks later I had a drawing that printed out two feet wide and three feet tall. I actually made a poster of it to put up in my hangar. Though not poster size, you can see the drawing on the following pages. As the drawing was coming together, boxes of parts started arriving at the house. I made one last flight behind the old avionics, and parked my plane in the hangar. It was time to make a perfectly-good airplane very, very unairworthy. .5$0.104*5& 1301&--&361(3"%& '03:063$&44/"         ‰*/$-6%*/(563#04 t4VQFSMJHIUXFJHIUDPNQPTJUFQSPQBOETQJOOFS‰  VQUPQPVOETMJHIUFS 8PSMET-BSHFTU.51SPQFMMFS%JTUSJCVUPS t*NQSPWFUBLFPGGBOEDMJNC t*ODSFBTFDSVJTFTQFFEBOEGVFMNJMFBHF --$ t3FEVDFTUBMMTQFFEGPSTIPSUFSMBOEJOHT 7JTJUPVSXFCTJUFPSDBMMUPEBZ t3FEVDFOPJTFMFTTQJMPUGBUJHVF IBQQJFSOFJHICPST t5VSCJOFTNPPUIPQFSBUJPO XXX'MJHIU3FTPVSDFDPN t-JGFVOMJNJUFECMBEFTBOEIVC t1FSGFDUGPSGMPBUTOPXBUFSFSPTJPO t/P31.SFTUSJDUJPOTPS"%T t)%.PUPSNPVOUOPUSFRVJSFE 'MJHIU3FTPVSDF  45