GOVERNANCE & REGULATORY CORE POLICY Manage the harbour in an open and accountable manner. GUIDING POLICIES n Modernising Trust Ports (MTP) Guide to Good Governance: Manage the harbour in accordance with the principles from the Department for Transport’s guidance. n 5 year Strategic Plan: Deliver CHC’s 5 year Strategic Plan and ensure Board and management decisions are compliant with principles. n Open port policy: Ensure compliance with fundamental open port principle. n Regulatory powers: CHC will maintain statutory and constitutional powers to fulfil its statutory duties and strategic objectives and operate its commercial marine services. n Statutory and harbours regulations: Comply with all relevant legislation. n Responsible to stakeholders: Deliver good communications including an Annual Report and public meeting. n Stakeholder engagement: Consult stakeholders, including the CHC Advisory Committee on harbour plans, policies, investments and stakeholder dividend proposals. n Financial and commercial management: Operate to best value, open, fair and accountable principles, generating a commercially acceptable rate of return from harbour assets. OBJECTIVES Target Date n 5 year Strategic Plan: Consult and agree CHC’s Strategic Plan for 2016 - 2021. 2016 n Governance policies: Review CHC’s governance policies, including stakeholder dividend and charitable requests. 2016-2017 n Charitable trust: Review the possibilities of charitable investment into stakeholder dividend projects. 2017-2018 STRATEGIC PLAN 2016 - 2021 7