COVERED Edition 4 Issue 5 | Page 17

TRANSFORMATION THROUGH PATIENCE I spent most of my primary school years searching for something that would keep my mind busy when I was away from school. It was a challenge since I also had to convince my parents to allow me to participate in any sport away from and out of schooling hours. Fortunately, my parents were at a Pencak Silat demonstration in Bosmont, and they were amazed by what the participants could do. In 2009, I became a student of the Indonesian Martial Arts, Pencak Silat. It has been 10 years since I joined and it is one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. I have visited Indonesia 3 times and each time my experience was different. My last visit was in 2015 and it was the most beneficial in all aspects. I learned more than I thought was possible. I was given the responsibility of training in Indonesia, not only to benefit myself but to benefit the class back home in South Africa. I am now a senior trainer and I continue to learn and benefit from the training. The lessons I learn during training can be applied to life itself. I realised this when an instructor constantly repeated "Maajida, don't be angry, be patient". Patience, this is one of the greatest lessons Pencak Silat has taught me. We are taught not to rush our movements, to practice them slowly at first, to be patient. This has taught me to be patient not only with those around me or in situations I find myself in, but to be patient with myself. Whether it be with studying or when attempting something new. We are taught to complete our movements, not to skip anything and to do the movements to the best of our ability. I found that I can apply this in life as well. Everything I do, I try to do completely and whole heartedly. During my studies I reached a stage where I thought about giving up, but I remembered that I needed to do this and I needed to complete it. Everything in life should be done with the intention of doing it correctly and to give it your best, fully and completely. By joining this class in 2009, I have become part of an amazing new family. 17 We have grown and showed strength by the mere fact that we still exist and we're willing to strive together in order to grow together. Persaudaraan Pencak Silat Salamun Alaikum is the formal name of our Pencak Silat School. Persaudaraan translates to "Brotherhood", which is very important as this is what we try to teach the students as well as ourselves. Islamically, brotherhood is also very important and we learn this from history. Brotherhood is a forever bond and we hope that this brotherhood will continue prosper and grow with the years to come. WRITTEN BY: Maajida Matthews Photography by Zana Caster