COVERED Edition 4 Issue 1 | Page 7

____________________________________________________________________________ We fail to understand that we are people first and when we make sacrifices, we cannot sacrifice ourselves completely. We have to make time everyday to focus on our needs, independent of any workplace responsibility, school responsibility or family responsibility. That's because our identities cannot and should not be formed by our professions, marriages, relationships or children. Of course, they influence our lives - but we cannot be dependent on them to define who we are. If we allow this to happen, we would not only be short- changing ourselves but also the very people and institutions we serve because we aren’t bringing 100% of ourselves to the table. So let's reflect on the importance of balance. It's critical and non-negotiable that we determine our personal balance and that we enforce that balance with people we interact with. This will ensure that everyone's needs and responsibilities are met, without anyone having to sacrifice themselves, their personalities, their hopes and dreams. It is also worthy to regularly review ‘balance’ because it changes with each arena of life that we enter into. What may have worked last year may not work this year. 2019 is merely a measurement of time. ‘Time-out’ is a misunderstood concept. It doesn’t mean stepping out of your life to relax. It means maintaining your personal balance, which promotes good health and success. It may involve reading a book, praying, visiting a spa, gardening or any other activity where you are pursuing your own hobbies and simply being yourself. You don't have to be apologetic or feel guilty about having aspirations outside of work or family life. And as such, society needs to stop imposing the idea of confinement on people. Greatness is available within each of us and we should encourage each other to make an impact on the world through living the best version of our lives that is possible. The only way you will find change is if you initiate it. You need to change yourself to change your life. Choose you. Choose happiness. Choose success. Choose balance. 7