COVERED Edition 4 Issue 1 | Page 4

HEALTH___________________________________________________________________________________ The Natural Way To A ‘Clean Slate ' By Faheema Sahib I t's that time of the year when resolutions are made after a well-deserved December vacation. One resolution we're most likely to have in common is to start 2019 on a 'clean state'. We may be seeking financial, emotional or mental improvements, but have we considered our body's internal 'slate'? Our bodies play a crucial role in enabling us to complete daily tasks efficiently. Most days it works tirelessly without a break, enduring physical pain, pressure, harsh African temperatures and trauma too, all of which heal with time. However, the large amounts of food we consume but don't regularly get out of our bodies, expose us to a number of toxins and ultimately clog our arteries and cause weight gain. This is a major factor in hindering that weight loss resolution you've made. So why not kick start 2019 on an internally ' clean slate' with big D? Ah yes, the D word. Detoxing has played an important role in diets and healthy lifestyles for as long as we can remember, and the benefits are countless. Dating back centuries, detoxification is probably, by far, the oldest medical modality known to mankind. After all, every healing process begins with cleansing, purifying or detoxing. Over time, people of various traditions and cultures adapted their own ideology, belief and method of detoxing, some of which are interesting enough to include here. 4 India, Hindus introduced Ayurveda that teaches about 'Panchakarma', pancha meaning five and karma meaning treatment; all of which largely refer to the outline of the detoxification preparation process. Native Americans primarily relied on very specific components for their detoxification process, one being Sweat Lodges. As the name suggests, intimate buildings housing heated rocks were visited in which people would sweat their internal toxins out - similarly to a sauna or steam room! And with the Shamans of South America, Limpias, a unique method of detoxification was used. The process of Limpias includes a bath using herbs and flowers, each herb and flower possessing their own healing powers, some for emotional problems and others for spiritual ones. So, where to begin? The process of detoxification begins in the liver and other major organs of the body. The removal of detox-interfering foods is the initial and most integral part of the process. For example, fructose that is found in juices and sodas is the most commonly consumed and also most detrimental substance known for invoking chronic inflammation and oxidative stress - the leading factors of obesity.