COVERED Edition 4 Issue 1 | Page 33

________________________________________________________________________ So, in the middle of February, I enrolled and Although, in all this, I still needed to grasp the in the beginning of March I started. It’s the concept of letting go of the past and future, most peace and contentment I have ever and that balance meant now. Consequently, found. My mornings would just go by while this little reminder to focus on what I’m doing my afternoons were consumed in happiness. right now, in this moment and trusting in Just like that, the pieces, slowly, started to fall Allah that this is where I’m meant to be was in place. My spirituality lifted like never before. the biggest lesson I learnt. Of course, it was not a smooth path but this is when I knew that this is exactly where I needed to be. My life was balanced again. I even went back to work at the business I worked at while I was at campus. The hours were perfect so I could still attend Madressah So dear readers, just remember that you are exactly where the Almighty wants you to be. Make shukar if you are in a good place and make shukar, again, if you are in a bad place, because while you’re pushing, the Almighty is pulling . and I never felt like my brain cells were being fried. 33