COVERED Edition 4 Issue 1 | Page 23

____________________________________________________________________ The First step would be to determine what success means to you personally. There will always be one thing that’s given more priority than the other, and the sooner you decide which one, you can accept it, consent to it and make it work by implementing coping methods for the one you consider less important to you – but still want to greatly succeed at it. It’s a fact that before you can take care of anyone else you have to take care of yourself first, meaning you need to feel balanced within yourself. Once you know how to do this with proper planning in all areas of your life, you can take total control of the constant nagging feelings of guilt and worry. Instead you will feel happier, more stable and strong, knowing you’re totally competent in harmonising your work and family life. This may seem daunting for some, but a lot of people have already done it, so there shouldn’t be any reason you can’t do the same. I, too, struggled to integrate my career and personal life at first, but eventually found the middle ground. This is how I did it: Simply make the decision and commitment. Set clear boundaries and find the peace to make it work. If you don’t make the conscious decision to achieve that peace and fully commit to it, it’s unlikely you’ll succeed. Realise that in order to achieve success you would have to give up some of your original goals and substitute it with new ones - with different but equal challenges and results. There are various ways to skin the cat so to speak. Again, redefine your passion and purpose and stick to it. Become more assertive in your communication style as well. If you generally are the submissive type, first acknowledge that and then practice how to become more assertive with things that don’t resonate with you, or are not serving you in achieving your goals. Make sure your career remains challenging, but not overwhelming, by learning to say “no” to energy-drainers. Most of us don’t like to refuse favours, new responsibilities, or even casual requests, for fear of looking undependable, or upsetting someone, or missing out on something. Do not assume responsibility for people’s feelings or emotions. However, make a point of seriously considering any request that comes your way, and double-check your schedule before taking anything else on that’s not in line with your objectives. Our environments can contribute a lot to how effective we work and live, since everything is energy and either adds to our personal energy pool, or drains from it. So, unclutter all areas, keep it organised as it will free up space in your mind to deal with the more important things in your life. Always communicate your situation to your family.. 23