Cover Shot Fitness Magazine Issue 26 Featuring Ella Kapul | Page 33



By Trease Smock

(originally posted on Facebook)

John Hawley could not have captioned this photo more appropriate! As some of you may or may not know, I lost my Father suddenly on Valentine's Day 2014. It was shocking, devastating, left me empty and feeling helpless and hopeless. Being an only child, I was "Daddy's little girl" no matter how old I became. He is my hero, my rock and the foundation to everything I am today, along with my amazing Mother! Each day is still a struggle without him here with us, even today; but I know he is watching over me with each and every breath I take. Those of you who were blessed to have met my Father might recall him saying, when he was called home one day, he would return as a bird. Now I know in this photo it's a duck; but clearly from the bird family!

This duck followed me on my photoshoot for a long time, wanting to get in every photo taken. I really feel that this was my Father's presence at my shoot and not to mention, the moment I went to step into my car to go home from the photo shoot, a feather was on the ground at the drivers door of my car as I stepped in. The death of my Father is why I returned to the stage last year; to keep me focused and motivated to stay healthy and busy. So.......enjoy EVERYTHING in life (little or big) because those moments will all become important when you look back in life, as it could be over in the blink of an eye! Thank you all for your love and support!

Cover Shot Fitness Magazine

Enjoy the little things in life as one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.