Course Choice Booklet | Page 32

Skills Development
The skills developed through study in this course underpin the four capacities and national initiative to develop a young person ’ s higher order thinking skills . The learning experiences that a young person will be exposed to will prepare them for lifelong learning , their place in society and improve their chances of success in all aspects of the world of work . Experiential learning across the curriculum will enhance pupils ’ enjoyment and engagement . Future success in the world of work is identified as requiring an ability to adapt and be flexible and is no longer only achieved how well you can recall information in an exam situation . In order for a young person to be best prepared they will require a great deal of exposure to the higher order thinking skills which is the foundations for learning in Design & Manufacture , for example the skills which are assessed and developed in this subject are ;
Evaluating , creating , problem solving , communication , presentation , analysing , synthesis and team work .
Assessment and Moderation
The assessment and moderation of pupils ‟ practical work and development of skills will be a continuous process designed to meet each learner ’ s individual needs and will be centred firmly on the pupil , through a variety of means :
class discussion one on one personal learning logs / blogs regular personal target setting self and peer evaluation self and peer assessment critical analysis of designers and design companies formative feedback as an on-going process
Progression Routes
Pupils will progress from the Broad General Education into either Access 3 , National 4 , or National 5 depending upon progress made throughout S3 . They will then be formally presented at this level at the end of S4 . Pupils may return to school into S5 and S6 where they can progress to Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications .