Course Choice Booklet | Page 27

TECHNOLOGIES ( for Art & Design and Music – see listing under Expressive Arts ). COURSE : Business Management
Introductory Statement Businesses play an important role in society today . We all rely on businesses to create wealth , prosperity , jobs and choices . The purpose of the Business Management course is to develop pupils understanding of the way in which businesses operate in the current dynamic , changing , competitive and economic environments and to encourage entrepreneurial skills and attitudes .
Aims & Objectives
The course aims to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to survive and thrive in a challenging economic environment . By the end of the course , pupils will develop skills and knowledge that can be transferred to future study within the department or in future career prospects ( Becoming self-employed or working for established businesses )
Course Content
This course will look at businesses in a broad context and will give the pupils a good grounding to progress within the department . We will look at a number of topic areas including : - Business in Action – This will involve learners carrying out activities that will give
them an appreciation of how and why businesses develop and operate in today ‟ s society . Learners will discover how businesses are organised and explore their functional activities . Influences on Business – This will involve learners carrying out activities that will give them an appreciation of the impact that a range of internal and external influences have on a business decision making and will look at the role and influences of different stakeholders . Business in Practice – This unit will see learners using their skills and knowledge learnt so far , and apply this to a real life situation through coursework .
The course will be delivered using a variety of different ICT media and will involve group work and tasks in order to fully develop good entrepreneurial skills .
Skills Developed An awareness of the business environment and the impact that this has on our
economy and in an ever changing society . Entrepreneurial skills and attitudes and applying these skills when carrying out coursework Application and knowledge of straightforward planning techniques used by business to ensure success . Basic knowledge of facts and characteristics relevant to the key functional areas of business . Application and knowledge of straightforward planning techniques used by business to ensure success . Interpreting and drawing conclusions from straightforward business information .