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When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see your flaws and blemishes or your beauty and potential?

Many people have no problem reciting hundreds of flaws, but struggle to list off just a few good qualities or things they love about themselves.

How can you move past your insecurities? How can you embrace your God-given gifts and divine potential and see yourself for the truly marvelous and wonderful individual that you are?

The answer is to learn to see yourself through a divine filter. When God looks at us he sees our soul potential. He focuses on what we have been given, not what we don’t have. God also recognizes those weaknesses that are preventing us from becoming all we can, but instead of allowing those things to define our souls, He sees a way that we can learn and grow from them.

I did not always see myself through God’s eyes. In fact, for a large portion of my life I did what many people do, I focused on everything that was wrong with me. I could barely look at my own reflection because I would pick myself apart. It was a hard way to live and it prevented me from recognizing the many gifts and abilities I had that could bring me lasting happiness and bless the lives of many others. My self-image was truly stopping me in my tracks and preventing me from reaching greatness.

For those of you stuck in self-hate, self-criticism and self-doubt, you are not alone. Many people live this way, but there is a better way to live! Try this 3-day challenge to empower you to make a crucial shift in your life. You may find that as you implement these steps you will begin to love yourself. At the end of the challenge you will be able to see your divinity each time you look in the mirror.


Self Love

by: Allison H Larsen