County Commission | The Magazine February 2017 | Page 31

the financial integrity of the commission. The Association strongly supports the intent of Alabama’s constitutional language prohibiting the enactment of unfunded mandates and opposes the establishment of such mandates through federal or state administrative actions. Opposition to any federal or state legislative, administrative, or regulatory directives requiring county government to assume inspection, public safety, permitting responsibilities or other duties currently performed by the state or federal agency. personnel and administrative functions carried out by the county commission are essential to the financial and operational health of county government in Alabama. The Association opposes any efforts that will obstruct the commission’s ability to effectively govern and to maintain the administrative and financial well- being of the services delivered by the county commission. g Strategic Goals In furtherance of this Founda- tion Principle, the Association will actively pursue the passage of legis- lation to accomplish the following strategic goals: To amend the unfunded mandate constitutional amendment to provide that the exemption for defining crimes apply only to provisions of the law defining or amending a crime. n Legislative Policy In addition to its strategic goals, the Association has adopted the fol- lowing legislative policy consistent with this Foundation Principle: Opposition to federal and state efforts to require county government to assume any financial or programmatic responsibilities that are currently financed and/or administered at the federal or state level. g Opposition to any mandated and unfunded requirement that counties assume new programs established by the federal or state government. g © Marilyn Volan Opposition to any legislative or regulatory directives requiring counties to provide housing, supplies, equipment or other expenses for a county coroner or other county officers. g Opposition to state agencies administratively eliminating state services within a county for budgetary or other reasons without legislative approval. g Strategic Goals In furtherance of this Founda- tion Principle, the Association will actively pursue the passage of legis- lation to accomplish the following strategic goals: To provide that the county commission sets the hours of operation of county offices. To clarify statutory language related to use of county warrants and bonds. n To protect counties, officials, employees, or agents against liability n County Operations and Budget Authority Foundation Principle The county governing body serves as both the legislative and administrative branch of government at the local level – carrying out both budgetary duties as well as providing administrative leadership for many functions. The budgetary, COUNTY COMMISSION | 31