County Commission | The Magazine February 2017 | Page 3

in this issue VOLUME 61, NUMBER 1 from the cover... Volume 61, Number 1 February 2017 Annual Legislative Issue 2017 Regular Session House Speaker Mac McCutcheon, elected to his post in 2016, will preside over his first Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature in 2017. PHOTO: Dionne Whetstone, Alabama House of Representatives 2017 REGULAR SESSION | Annual Legislative Issue IN PROFILE House Speaker Mac McCutcheon......................................7 Speaker McCutcheon Takes on the Issues.........................8 County-by-County Allocations | ATRIP-2..........................13 ACCA Legislative Priorities 2017.......................................16 Communication Strategies for the Legislative Session.......23 Talking Points | ATRIP-2 Bond Issue.................................11 2017 Alabama County Platform........................................27 County Expenditures for Compensation & Benefits........28 Alabama Governmental Structure..................................28 Mandated & Unfunded Legislation................................29 County Operations & Budget Authority..........................31 Election Administration...................................................32 Environment, Land Use, & Public Works.......................33 Revenue Protection........................................................35 Economic Development & the Alabama Trust Fund......38 Alabama’s Prisons & County Jails.................................39 Justice and Public Safety...............................................40 Rural Transportation.......................................................43 TOP 10 | Tips for Effective Communication with Legislators.......................................45 point of view... President’s Perspective ..................................................4 Communicating with Purpose who we are... 2016-17 ACCA Board of Directors....................................46 ACCA Staff.........................................................................46 COUNTY COMMISSION is published five times annually by the Association of County Commissions of Alabama, Inc.; P.O. Box 5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. Subscription rates are $20 per year, which is included in the dues of members. Additional copies, when available, are $2 each to non-members. Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama. Postmaster: Send address changes to COUNTY COMMISSION; P.O. Box 5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. USPS 985-380 COUNTY COMMISSION | 3