Country Images Magazine May 2015 - North Edition | Page 52

Gardening in May No 2 years are ever the same... this time last year we were talking about how the growing season had started extremely early. Having talked to many growers this season they all say the same thing, they are behind about 3 to 4 weeks. But horticulturists are an optimistic bunch and do say we will be rewarded with an “Indian summer” later on in the year … only time will tell. This is a slight departure to my normal gardening blurb, but as the good weather is potentially just around the corner I thought it was the perfect time to remind you, when you are out in the garden, to wear sun screen or clothing that will protect you from the sun … not the first thing people think about while doing gardening but sun protection should be part of your gardening equipment. Listen out for me on BBC Radio Derby on Monday 18th, I will be doing my normal gardening show live from Chelsea with Andy Potter who will be interviewing the celebrities that we meet. Pictures next month. Allotment or Vegetable Patch: • • • • • • • • • Feed strawberries as they are forming fruit with a liquid tomato fertilizer or powder sulphate of potash. Earth up potatoes by moving soil or compost up around their stems. Hang pheromone traps in apple and plum to control pests. Remember to pick rhubarb as they develop and water clumps with liquid feed. Remove strawberry runners as soon as they grow – they take nutrients from the mother plant. Pot up runners in plant pots to make extra plants to plant up in the autumn. Feed fruit trees and bushes with sulphate of potash Watch for signs of powdery mildew on fruit trees and bushes and treat with a fungicide. Plant out crops raised under glass, such as tomatoes, marrows and courgettes. Prevent birds for eating your soft fruit by covering small bushes with netting. Scabious Blue Mist • • • • General Garden Maintenance: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • In the Greenhouse: • • • • Remember to properly ventilate your greenhouse, poor air circulation can encourage disease. Keep a look out for pests, check under leaves and new shoots 50 | for signs of attack – usually red spider mite, whitefly or greenfly. Try hanging sticky traps over plants to catch any whitefly. Important to water growbags and pots regularly, sometimes daily if needed in very warm weather. Pinch out the centre of any cuttings to promote bushy growth Liquid feed any planted up hanging baskets. Still a great time to sow new lawns with grass seed. Remembering to water well if there is a lack of rain. Rake out any dead grass from lawns. Feed the lawn with a suitable lawn fertilizer. Check for daisies and dandelions, and dig out. Plant out container grown trees and shrubs - remembering to water well if there is a lack of rain. Tie in any new growth of climbing plants, such as honeysuckle and clematis etc. Buy a water butt to collect any rainfall to use later. Buy a compost bin to recycle any green waste from the kitchen and garden. Apply bark mulches around newly planted or established trees & shrubs to retain moisture and help suppress weeks. Sprinkle a handful of sulphate of potash around fruit trees and bushes Give camellias, rhododendrons, azaleas and pieris a good handful of ericaceous (acidic) fertilizer. Clip hedges and apply a granular fertilizer Keep topiary in check by giving a light clip now. Hand weed beds to prevent weeds establishing. Watch out for red lilly beetle on the leaves of lilies. You can easily squash any you find or spray with a suitable pesticide like Provado Ultimate Bug Killer. Apply teak oil to wooden garden furniture to condition and improve the look of it for summer. Look out for greenfly and blackfly developing on shrubs, perennials and roses, spray with a pesticide.