Cotton On Foundation Field Report PJ003_2016 Field Report_WEB | Page 32

UGANDAN SUSTAINABILITY The sustainability pillar leads the work in schools and the community to provide a hand up, not a hand out, and to make sure that our impact is benefiting the community for many years to come. This year we have participated in the World Food Program food security initiative to train farmers in better food storage methods. To avoid crops being lost after harvest because of a lack of storage, we are able to help families purchase simple storage containers that will help them have food to feed their family for the whole year, or to be able to sell crops after harvest time when they can get the best price for their produce. The same approach to food storage is now being rolled out to our schools to help them reduce their cost of meals at school by being able to buy in bulk or grow and store their own food. In Southern Uganda coffee is one of the main sources of income for families. Our sustainability team has focused on training and capacity building groups of coffee farmers to improve their farming and drying methods. This yields higher quality coffee beans and better crop sizes to directly grow their income. 32