Cotton On Foundation Field Report 2015 Cotton On Foundation Field Report | Page 8

THE YEAR’S HIGHLIGHTS THANK YOU! TOGETHER WE MAKE BIG THINGS HAPPEN. It’s been an exciting year, marked by inspiring achievements on the ground, new team members and projects. As the Cotton On Group retail footprint continues to grow, we’re working on new partnerships to ensure we provide our customers and team with additional opportunities and ways to take action. Why? Because we believe that every child deserves the right to an education, no matter where he or she is born. It’s thanks to our customers, team members and supporters that we can do all of this. Through the sale of charity items and other fundraising globally, we raised a record $12,197,819 to dedicate to projects in Southern Uganda, South Africa, Asia and Indigenous Australia. So give yourselves a pat on the back! You’ve helped us achieve all of this in 2015, and the reason we have so much more planned over the next few years. THANK YOU! IN 2015 THE COTTON ON FOUNDATION RAISED $12,197,819 NEW MUSIC FACILITY IN YIRRKALA (NORTHERN TERRITORY, AUSTRALIA) WAS OPENED FOR LOCAL YOUTH AND THE COMMUNITY. CONTAINER LIBRARIES DELIVERED TO SCHOOLS ACROSS SOUTH AFRICA. 42,047 THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WITH IMPROVED ACCESS TO CLEAN DRINKING WATER IN OUR PROJECT AREAS PEOPLE TOOK PART IN OUR NUTRITION MISSION PROGRAM TO IMPROVE COMMUNITY HEALTH AND HELP ERADICATE MALNUTRITION SCHOOLS SUPPORTED IN SOUTHERN UGANDA MANNYA TRADING CO. IS WORKING WITH 2,000 EDUCATION CENTRE