CosmoBiz Magazine December 2015 | Page 40

Step 13 Step 12 When you have completed your first row of extensions, move about 1 1/2 to 2 inches up the net from the starting point and repeat the steps 7-10. Continue to start from the middle back of the head until you have reached the edge of the weaving cap and complete half of the head. Step 14 After weaving half of the head, turn front of the mannequin to face you. Count two rows up from the front of the weaving net band and start crocheting in the middle front of the head. Follow steps 7-10 again. Always make sure to secure each crochet extension tightly. Step 15 Continue around the top circumference of the head in a complete circular motion, until you have reached the top of the head and successfully covered the entire head. At this point, weaving net is not visible to the naked eye. Step 16 With your cutting tool of choice, begin to add layers to your completed unit, frame the face with bangs and layers, and clip the bottom to your desired length. Step 17 Once you have achieved the most flattering style, remove the unit from the mannequin and try on. Clean up any areas within the style until you have reached your desired look. 40 COSMOBIZ SALON DECEMBER 2015