Corporate Publications BOPDHB Orientation & Information Booklet | Page 37

Learning and development Education Centre BOPDHB is committed to encouraging innovation and excellence in practice. BOP Clinical School Education Centre is responsible for enabling and supporting staff through provision of education, professional development, and recognition of excellence in innovation and research. BOP Clinical School Education Centre at Tauranga Hospital and Whakatāne Clinical School provide education and training facilities for BOPDHB staff. The Education Manager has responsibility for both sites and the administration support team who manage the facilities, room bookings and day to day operations. The Education Team plans, procures, organises and administers non-clinical education and training on behalf of the organisation. Courses include: Treaty of Waitangi, cultural awareness, customer services, leadership topics, conflict resolution, healthy living and others. Education team administrators advertise, book and record staff training attendance and maintain electronic training records. The Education Team administers the Midland Advanced Leadership and Leadership in Practice programmes. Information regarding these programmes can be found on OnePlace under the Staff Education link on the right hand side of the home page. E-learning BOPDHB offers an increasing number of clinical and non-clinical on-line courses for staff including: mandatory training requirements, e-Portfolios, and quality and customer service courses. The Midland Learning site also hosts a number of national forums fostering a learning community for specific interest groups. The e-learning facilitator (Ph: 4705 or email [email protected]) works within the education team and is responsible for maintaining the site, training course developers and monitoring course development and recording. For more information on e-learning, go to the OnePlace home page and click on Staff Education on the right hand side menu. Innovation Awards The BOPDHB Innovation Awards give DHB employees and contractors an opportunity to showcase innovative initiatives which have been undertaken in their service within the past two years. The purpose of the awards is to recognise the positive contribution of individuals and groups towards achieving service improvement in their organisation; to acknowledge the quality of projects and to communicate these initiatives to the wider DHB and community. Applications are invited from BOPDHB employees and all providers of health services funded by BOPDHB. Innovations need to be related to a service, facility or process funded by BOPDHB and should demonstrate tangible results. 31