Corporate Publications BOP Strategic Health Services Plan Summary | Page 2

PRIO PATIENT AND FAMILY CENTRED CARE – WHĀNAU ORA Improving the way the Bay’s health system provides care for people and their family/whānau closer to where they live learn, work and play. This means we want to invest more in community services so that we don't need to grow our hospital capacity. Get well Evolve models of excellence across all of our hospital services Get well Develop a smart fully integrated system to provide care close to where people live, learn, work and play e Stay well Pa r tn er Empower our population to live healthy lives g Stay well Māori in BOP are comparable to Māori elsewhere in New Zealand on most health indicators. A large gap still exists in the majority of health indicators compared with non-Māori in BOP. Exciting opportunities exist for making rapid health gains for Māori in BOP. Live well reducing Māori inequities in health Empowering our populations to live healthy lives for as long as possible. This means we want to encourage people to stop smoking, encourage people to eat well and be active, and increase the number of healthy warm homes. S addressing obesity Live well GP s e er ue ev iss n tin ac eliminating smoking RITY POPULATION The Bay of Plenty (BOP) population has generally good health compared to others in New Zealand, and generally good access to health and disability support services. Future projections (based on current state) indicate the largest potential health gains for BOP people over the next 10-20 years lie in: Our Strategic Health Services Plan sets the scene for what we need to focus on to support our communities to be healthy and thriving. The health needs of our communities are changing, and our population is growing, and we need to be able to respond to that. This plan will guide us over the next 10 years to provide health services which better support people to stay well and manage their own health. We plan to strengthen our focus on providing integrated health services, intervening as early as possible, bringing health services closer to the patient, and providing the right mix of health support in the right place. Wo rk Vu lne rab fo rce Fa c i l i ties The Bay of Plenty District Health Board (BOPDHB) is one of 20 DHBs in New Zealand, and one of five DHBs that make up the Midland region. We serve a population of 225,320 for the major population centres of Tauranga, Katikati, Te Puke, Whakatāne, Kawerau and Ōpōtiki. Of this 225,320, 32% are under 25 and 25% identify as having Māori ethnicity, and like the national population, our population is ageing (currently 19% aged 65 or over, and forecast to reach 24% in 2026). Eighteen Iwi are located within our district. Over the next 10 years, the Bay of Plenty health system aims to be recognised as a sector leading, high performing health system... g t a er dd About us Bay of Plenty Region Fi le le chil eop dren and young p Ensuring our hospital services are patient-centred, well connected to community-based health services and focused on delivering care that enables our patients to return home as quickly as possible. This means we want to make the patient's journey through the hospital as quick and easy as possible.