JUSTICE & RENEWAL. Fall 2019 | Page 34

Senior Farewells I still remember walking to my first Cornerstone meeting—I knew nobody, had no idea what I was doing, and was unsure if I would even come back. But all these semesters later, I know that Cornerstone has been one of the greatest gifts God gave me for my college years. Thank you everyone so much for all the years of laughs, trials, and making fun of my ridiculous quotes. God’s love and faithfulness was shown to me every minute I worked with you all, and I cannot be more excited for what is to come! - Kathy Luo '19 In my first semester as part of Cornerstone, we amended our mission statement to say that our purpose is not only to celebrate the beauty of the Christian Gospel, but also its truth. Every week is a reminder of that mission as we gather together to have fellowship, experience God’s common grace amidst our fumblings, and to make fun of Kathy. Cornerstone has been the single greatest blessing in my college life — it’s more than a magazine, and I thank God for the opportunity I’ve had to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before me in this publication and pray for those will come after, knowing that one day we'll be united as beauty compels us all to deeper truth. - Hope McGovern '19 34 Fall 2019 I joined Cornerstone because I wanted to deepen the exploration of my own faith and because I wanted to be a part of a community that was seeking the Word of God. Cornerstone became more than just a magazine, more than just writing and editing and a weekly meeting. It became an integral part of my life at Brown, and I cannot imagine how I would have grown as a Christian, a person, and a writer without it. I will always remember and be thankful for the conversation and laughter we all shared, not just as a team creating a magazine, but as a community coming together to paint a vision of faith. - David Ferranti '19 God is so good! Even in my hardest times at Brown, when I have wandered furthest from Him, He has been present, patiently waiting and quietly working for me. Cornerstone has been a huge part of that, a constant presence of faithful believers, patiently bearing with me in much the same way. That joy of fellowship, of a shared commitment to Christ and the expression of the beauty of His gospel, has been a great blessing to me and it is my joy to see that carried forward. - Tom Hale '19