Cornerstone Magazine: Fall 2014 Volume III Issue II | Page 22

Begotten, Not Made Holy Something These Days old creeds I know you don’t i. let there be light: blossom into believe in God ANNA HUNDERT poetry we store away but I see God in you the palms of yesterday I hope that’s okay to be burned for next year’s ashes light from light, He’s there somewhere hosannas echo in the sanctuary begotten, not made between your lips where stained glass eyes and incarnate through or perhaps tucked away watch the sky patiently words and gestures and behind your ears or waiting for a miracle skin on skin, in your back pocket or true something from between your toes or true someone. maybe He’s there I have learned that love is in the palm of your open hand we seek truth in ii. land and sea: a young girl’s faith on Tuesday is an ocean, watch old creeds, I know you don’t my tides as they ebb and wonder they blossom believe in God why I only sometimes bow to the altar but I see God in you I hope that’s okay. iii. moon and stars: a young girl’s faith paints the sky with new constellations each night, watch them as they rise and set I am no master of the stars but I can connect the dots. iv. life in sea and sky: vii. rest: sit down to supper alleluias resound, with your hands in your lap – regard the cross and the disciples