CORE 2 - Challenging Europe CORE 2 - Challenging Europe | Page 7

Chapter 1 What’s this booklet? 
 This booklet is made to share our experiences in conflict management and we would like people could use this instruments in their lives. Everyday, during the training course “Core2”, participants collected all the games and activities they did trying to explain them, following some issues as the aim, the duration, number of participants, etc. We hope these activities could be useful for other Youth workers, Trainers, Educators, interested in developing the topics of conflict management through non formal methods. All the activities had a great impact on participants because they worked on the emotional level. The activities were first of all tools of personal development: especially Theatre of Oppressed and the simulations made participants face their attitude and fears toward conflicts and their stereotype toward cultural differences. The process was deep and for this reason the final results, in terms of gained competences, self-awareness, intercultural growth and personal development were amazing; here some comments extracted by the Final Evaluation questionnaire: “First I want to point out that I learned how to express myself and to act in a way. Also to overcome stagefright which is very important for me because I am also working as a youth educator. New ideas for activities and of course the theatre of the oppressed