Coral Reef Destruction 1 | Page 5

Effects the Destrution of Coral Reefs

The loss of Coral reefs is disregarded by many people. What they don't know is that it not only effects the wildlife of its tropical habitat but it also effects human economy, health and safty. Coral reefs protect coasts by storms, provide recreational activities, medicines for human health and food for dependent island nations. If coral reefs benefited humans as much as it does wouldnt you want you want it to prosper?

Effects on Wildlife

Coral reefs are home to over 4,000 learned species in the marine ocean. They provide habitat and shelter no other place has for the aquatic life. The coral reef is a diverse place for symbalic partnerships between organisms such as sea anenames and clown fish. So many organisms like to live on coral reefs because they provide shelter and food. To escape predators, animals can hide within cracks and crevices in the reef created by corals. Nearly every living thing on a reef is food for another organism, and together they make up a complex food web.