Conversion Tools Joico Vero K-Pak Color Conversion Chart

COLOR CONVERSION CHART Joico Vero K-Pak → This conversion chart was created by our color professionals as a guide. These comparisons are recommendations ONLY, not exact formula or shade matches. Color may vary depending on the natural tone, texture, porosity and condition of the hair. To achieve the best tonal end result, follow manufacturer instructions and formulation guidelines. Joico Vero K-Pak the color XG ® Joico Vero K-Pak the color XG ® Joico Vero K-Pak RED SERIES NATURAL SERIES the color XG ® FASHION SERIES UHLN HLN 9RG 9G + pea size Red Intensifier HLN HLN 8RG 2 parts 9G + 1 part 7R 9N 9N 7RC 7RO TSB UTPN 8N 8N 6RC 6RO TBB UTN 7N 7N 5RM 1 part 5NN + 1 part 5RV TPB UTV 6N 6N 4RV 4RV 5N 5N 6RR 6R + Red Intensifier *see chart INB Blue Intensifier INS N/A 4FV 4V Violet Intensifier *see chart TONER SERIES INTENSIFIER/CORRECTION 4N 4N 5RR 5R + Red Intensifier *see chart 3N 3N 4VR 2 parts 5VR + 1 part 3VR ING Gold Intensifier 7XR 7R + Red Intensifier *see chart INC Orange Intensifier 5XR 5R + Red Intensifier *see chart INRR Red Intensifier INRV 1 part Red Intensifier + 1 part Violet Intensifier INV Violet Intensifier CCV N/A 1N 1N ASH SERIES ULHA/MA HLA HLA HLA 10A 10A HLB 1 part HLN + 1 part HLPN 9A 9A 9B 9N + 9PN 8A 8A 8B 8N + 8PN 7A 7A 7B 7N + 7PN 6A 6A 6B 6N + 6PN 5A 5A 5B 5N + 5PN 4A 4A 6FR 6R + Red Intensifier *see chart UHLP HLP BEIGE SERIES GOLD SERIES HLG HLN + pea size Gold Intensifier 9G 9G 8G 8G 7G 7G 6G 6G 5G 5G *See the color XG ® paper chart available for download at or