contritions of the phoenix zine vantage points 2017 | Page 18

So it’s finally happened...the executive branch of our government has been taken over by snidely whiplash. That is not the only problem-the legislative branch has been taken over by those at snidely’s command. This means that our government is being lead by maniacal villainous cartoon characters. It would be funny if it weren’t such a dangerous situation. We are in trouble.

There is no need to go into all of the bullshit that is going on. It’s bad. It’s scary as hell. And it’s just begun.

There are reasons to be hopeful. There are things we can do to try to stay afloat. We have to work together.

There has to be an end to the war of the distressed.

I understand that some of us realized we have been in this muck hip-deep from birth. There are several people that i respect very much who have known their entire life, due to their own personal intersectionality-shit’s deadly. But if we deny someone access to the support, community, advocacy, comradery needed to keep humanity together just because they haven’t seen the war before, we are losing allies and we are no better than those who are opposing us. We are dividing our forces by drawing the same lines we are opposing. The powers that be don’t have to fight us, we are doing a damn good job of that by ourselves. If we are in the trenches together, fucking get with it. The 63 year old cis-white man probably hasn’t been aware he was a part of a problem or even that there was a problem until now, but here he is….why would we turn our backs on him when he is now a part of the chain that will keep the collective us from drowning in this rottenness? I for one am tired of being analyzed as to if i am “un” enough to be a part of revolutionary actions. Do i meet enough of the requirements to link arms and fight? There are people who approach me all the time feeling as though they don’t belong in advocacy work because they have been alienated, and i myself have felt that way several hundred times. If we are looking to break down the walls of oppression, we cannot be what our oppressors are.

We have to help where we can.

Looking around, seeing people in need and walking away because those people are not the kind of people we want to help is committing a hate crime. As a society we still have the tone that if people work hard enough, try hard enough, do enough they will rise up and be somebody. Well, that is 20 tons of horse hockey! There are more people than jobs. We have millions of homeless. We have millions who will never get a proper education. We have veterans who tried to do something about what was classified as “evil” in the world, who cannot function in the society that expedited their deterioration.

greed,fear and horse hockey

that's what little villians are made of
