contritions of the phoenix zine june, 2016-updated | Page 29

QueerPhobia Is A Curable Illness


It’s funny how early queerphobia is strikingly common in schools.One of my theories on this is that it partly (more like strongly) has to do with how schools teach gender roles to children as young as 5 and 6. In innocent enough ways such as playing house, the wife staying at home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the baby, the husband always at work then coming home just in time for supper.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that way of life but the thing is if you played it any differently then you were told that wasn’t how house worked. House was supposed to be the way of teaching kids the old fashioned ‘family values’. Or at least that was how it was in my pre-k class, but then again, my pre-school teacher was fairly nuts, and my hometown in Oklahoma is fairly nuts.

Around the time I was in third grade boys were already uttering ‘no homo’ before hugs and girls were begging their mothers to let them wear makeup because they were afraid they would look ‘too butch’, The media wasn’t helping much either with derogatory terms, lgbtqa+ people being the butt of jokes, and not so subtle homophobic subtexts.

I honestly think a way we could at least try to at least help fix this problem is if lgbtqa+ community is more widely and positively represented in media and television. Though we are at good start now that there are more lgbtqa+ characters in television in books, less queerphobia, and less stereotypes in the books we read and the tv shows we watch.




as long as they don't touch me

who is the


i don't have anything against them, but....

do you dress up like that everyday

but you are a woman/man

do you still have your real genitals

how does that work in bed