contritions of the phoenix zine june, 2016-updated | Page 15


Shadows are rippling seas.

I am not me.

I am

absent/distant/dissonant vengeance.


Logic beget chaos

left nihilism in the tide.

Where have I been I?

Why fear the fractal?

Embrace the spiral

carnal/primal/innate instinct.

I am not me.

I am

what I think.

title/rank/neuROTic brain tank.

Can I become i?

And i become we?

The flailing

heart-torn ego

cross the torrid sea?

The banks are bare

save for detritus

of calm imperatives

reaching narratives.

All of it relative.

The lie is subjective


a mirror in the tidal pools.

I was a fool

playing at death

stealing breaths

petty theft.

I am not what I was.

I am what is left.

My heart a sunken ship.

From stern to stem and deep within

corals cover rotten decks

forgotten treasure

and a tattered loyal

Jolly Roger.