Content Guidelines Writer - editor guidelines (pages) | Page 17

INTEREST INTRIGUE INFORM WHEN YOU INTRODUCE ADDRESS PAIN POINTS When you begin the piece by addressing the pain points, you speak directly to the audience. You give them a reason to stay and read how whatever it is that you’re writing about solves their problem - or creates a need in the first place USE STATISTICS WISELY Facts and figures are nothing unless we put them into perspective, by really showing how it affects someone reading. For instance, rather than saying 33% of the poplation suffers from X, we can articulate it as 1 in 3 people amongst us suffers from X. | STRUCTURE USE ENGAGING ANECDOTES Writing, marketing, blogging - it is all about compelling story telling. Define a situation, something that happened to you, something you read about in the research, someone you met or from the brand/organization’s social media stories, comments, feedback or customer testimonials. ADD CREDIBILITY Credibility comes with the right kind of resources, references and citations that provide information. When you add quotes, research statements, ideas, peices from major players / role models in the industry for potential readers,the reader is intrigued and you’ve sparked an interest! Like, quoting Gary Vee for social media marketing.