Consultation Document July 2017 | Page 42


1 Veterinarians Act , R . S . O . 1990 , c . V . 3 2 R . R . O . 1990 , Reg . 1093 : General under Veterinarians Act , R . S . O . 1990 , c . V . 3
3 College of Veterinarians of Ontario , 2016 Annual Report , http :// cvo . org / CVO / media / College-of-Veterinarians-of-Ontario / Resources % 20and % 20Publications / Annual % 20Reports / AnnualReportFinal . pdf ? ext =. pdf
4 Professional Standards Authority , Right-Touch Regulation Revised , http :// www . professionalstandards . org . uk / docs / default-source / publications / thoughtpaper / right-touch-regulation-2015
5 David Marx , “ Patient Safety and the “ Just Culture ”: A primer for health care executives ,” 2001 , https :// psnet . ahrq . gov / resources / resource / 1582 / patientsafety-and-the-just-culture-a-primer-for-health-care-executives ; North Carolina Board of Nursing , “ Just Culture Overview ,” http :// www . ncbon . com / dcp / i / discipline-compliance-employer-complaints-just-culture-resources
6 An order is an instruction for the performance of a procedure , treatment , drug or intervention . An order can be a direct order to perform an authorized activity for only one patient for a specific intervention or a medical directive , which is a written order authorizing those identified in the directive to perform an authorized activity for any patient who meets the criteria , circumstances , and / or conditions set out in the medical directive .
7 To initiate an authorized activity means to independently decide that a specified procedure is required and initiate that procedure in the absence of a specific order or medical directive , in accordance to certain conditions , which can be identified in regulation
8 Substance is inclusive of a drug 9 It is anticipated that this schedule will be drafted at a later date 10 There are currently 3200 RVT ’ s in Ontario , an increase from 1200 in 2007
42 Achieving a Modern Approach to the Regulation of Veterinary Medicine in Ontario