Connection Spring 2016 | Page 24

The Virginia Parker Memorial Scholarship Presented by the South Texas Country Elevator’s Association South Texas Country Elevators Association Inc. Scholarship Application 1. Applicant: 2. Home Address: ( Last, First, Middle) ( Soc. Sec. # ) ( Street, box, or rural rt.) 3. Home phone number: - ( Age ) (City & zip code ) - 4. High School: Address : 5. Parents' or guardians' names: Parents' or guardians' address: 6. Father's or guardian's occupation: 7. Mother's or guardian's occupation: 8 Number of brothers: Ages: Number of Sisters: Ages: 9. Number of brothers or sisters now enrolled in college 10 Have you already been accepted for admission to a college or University ? If Yes ,Where ? 11. If not already accepted for admission, have you submitted an application ? IF yes , Where ? 12. Field in which you plan to study in college : 13. What career do you plan to pursue after College ? 14. A brief statement by a teacher or administrator regarding applicant: (Signature of teacher) 15. Graduation Date: (Month, Day, & Year) Note : High School Transcript must be Included With Application 24