Connection Spring 2016 | Page 14

GRAIN RECAPS Looking back, forward then A&M professor reviews farm bill implementation, discusses future for crops U By Lindsey Bowers nited Ag recently hosted two meetings featuring Dr. James Richardson, regents professor and co-director of AFPC at Texas A&M University. These meetings focused on updates pertaining to the farm bill, cost of production and the future of farming. He made many blunt, but factual, statements that definitely got the room’s attention. He briefly reviewed the farm bill and it implementation in 14 its first year. He addressed the concern that many had with respect to ARC vs. PLC. “Bottom-line for most people in Texas, the low benchmark due to yields for drought years made ARC less attractive than PLC. People complaining that PLC didn’t provide payment in 2014 need to look at output again...unless you used USDA’s very low price forecast we generally said PLC would pay after the first year,” Richardson said. From that topic he dove head first into addressing the real