Connection 2nd quarter 2018 2nd Quarter 2018-KYTN Connection-Website | Page 2

President’s Perspective He IS Risen! I t is one of the most revered and visited sites in all of Jerusalem. In the spring or summer, it is fragrant with the smell of blooming flowers and beautifully landscaped with trees and shrubs. By the standards of the great Eu- ropean gardens or in comparison to many of the extravagant arboretums throughout the United States, it can’t compare. It embraces only an acre or two of ground, and its beauty lies more in its simplicity than in its ex- travagance. However, there is some- thing special and unique about this Jerusalem garden. This garden in- cludes a tomb. Not just any tomb; it is the tomb that some believe, once sheltered the body of Jesus. Researchers have argued that this site is likely not the original location of the Garden Tomb; but that possibility does not lessen the impact upon the heart when one stands before the doorway of the sepulcher and looks through the portal to see the small stone bench which may have once held the body of Christ. It is a moving and even transformative experience. Yet, as many who have visited the tomb would agree, the impact of seeing the tomb lies not so much in what you see as in what you do not see. A small inscribed plate fixed near the doorway of the tomb expresses it best: “He is not here, He is risen!” It is a statement of more than the miracle, amazing as it was, of a single resurrection. It is rather a descriptive declaration summarizing the most pivotal event in the story of salvation. In essence, everything that we as Christians hope for and believe in, hinges on the reality of this event. You don’t have to live long on planet earth to experience the heartache of personal loss. In this world, death is everywhere. Not a day goes by that the news headlines are not crowded with tragic stories, but the pain that is closer to home is much more bitter and lasting. The wounds that the loss of friends 2 Connection and family leave behind on our hearts can seem permanent. Yet, to all who grieve, but who also have hope in Christ, the story of the empty tomb is a story of promise. The Apostle argues that the relevancy of the entire Gospel hinges on this miracle. Paul states this truth this way in 1st Corinthians 15:14-19: “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith . . . For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” He’s right isn’t he? If what the Word of God declares about that Sunday morning resurrection is not true, then we have no hope; no future; no reason to believe. Aren’t you thrilled however, that Paul, who himself had encountered the resurrected Christ, goes on to say in verse 20, “But Christ has indeed been Connection Volume 17, No. # 2 Connection magazine is published quarterly by the Kentucky- Tennessee Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Steve Rose Executive Editor Denise Pope Layout & Design Printed By College Press, LLC Directory President: Steve Haley VP for Administration: Steve Rose VP for Finance: Aaron McNulty PO Box 1088 Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37070-1088 (615) 859-1391 (615) 859-2120 FAX Department Extension President VP for Administration VP for Finance Children/Youth/Young Adults Communication Community Services Education Hispanic Ministries Ministerial Publishing Pathfinders Religious Liberty Stewardship Trust Services Women’s Ministries 1006 1034 1004 1023 1034 1034 1019 1007 1005 1005 1023 1005 1023 1008 1016 Indian Creek Camp (615) 548-4411 (615) 548-4029 FAX raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” Rejoice believer; death for a follower of Christ is not the final word. It is not the end. Today, we can praise God, for He IS risen! STEVE HALEY President Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Nourish Christian Marketplace (615) 859-1125 (888) 345-0500 Toll-Free Order Line Highland Academy (615) 325-2036 (615) 325-4824 FAX Madison Academy (615) 865-4055 (615) 865-4117 FAX 3