Connection 1st Qtr 2018 2018 1st Quarter Connection | Page 6

New Every Day By now trees, decorations, and lights have been put away and a “New” Year has graced us once again! There is something exhilarating about things that are “new!” The culture today encourages us to upgrade phones, comput- ers, and tablets because of new features or maybe just because it’s new! We love new cars and their new car smell. We like the never been lived in look of a new home! New clothes when worn for the first time can make us feel special. But unfortunately, new things eventually wear out and are not new any longer! But God promises something extraordinary! Someday there will be a new heaven and earth, new garments to wear, a new name to go by, a new song to sing, a new Jerusalem to live in, we will be made new, as all things will be new! I am so glad that until that day we can experience God’s mercies, which are “new” every day! Like a new baby which brings new responsibili- ties, new challenges, and a new love, so our relationship with God grows in newness each day! His offer is fresh and unused waiting for us to claim it as our own! I am so proud of what Women’s Ministry has done in the past, but I’m even more excited about the new initiatives 2018 holds! Watch for our Women’s Ministry 2018 calendar of events and especially information on our “Imagine U” week long mission event leading up to Imagine Nashville in July! Thank you to all of our Kentucky-Tennessee Conference family for your support and prayers for Women’s Ministry! BY GAIL McKENZIE Women’s Ministry Director Upcoming Events February 11: A Young Women’s Ministry Event Galentines KYTN Conference Office March 18: Leadership Training for Men and Women Madison Campus SDA Church More info at February 10: “Couples Get-away in Paradise” Springfield, TN Understanding the Seasons of Your Marriage Speakers: Trevor & Edith Fraser from Oakwood University 6 Connection Lead Like Jesus Speaker: Dave Ferguson Sr Pastor Collegedale Church Kentucky-Tennessee Conference 7