Connection 1st Qtr 2018 2018 1st Quarter Connection | Page 2

President’s Perspective Waiting for the Light I t’s definitely not my best personal quality. I try to man- age it when I must, but I’d rather avoid it whenever possible. Among my other faults, this one is a result of at times being impatient. Maybe I’m just too rushed and hurried. Whatever the reasons, I do not like waiting. Waiting in traffic, wait- ing for an appointment, waiting to check out at a store, waiting in line to board a plane, waiting at the curb to pick someone up. I suppose I’m just anxious to instantly have the reward, the finished product, or, the purpose for which I’m waiting, quickly fulfilled. Having shared this personal challenge, I wonder how well I would have fared had I been among those who, as described in Matthew 4:16, were 2,000 years ago, “sitting in darkness.” Matthew is actually quoting a passage from Isaiah 9:2, in which the Old Testament prophet adds the thought that not only were the people sitting in darkness, but even worse, they were “living in the land of deep darkness” and the “shadow of death.” How much worse a fate could there be, than to have to wait in the darkness and in the shadow of death? Doesn’t it seem that with all of the terrible things that daily define the news, both locally and worldwide, that we are indeed a people who are living in the darkness? In a land of death? A people waiting for something, for someone better to appear? Thankfully, the passage quoted above ends with the declaration that upon a waiting people, “a light has dawned!” The passage in Isaiah prophetically foretold what Matthew announces in the same words, that the light which gives light to the world had come in the presence of the baby, born in Bethlehem. In its essence, isn’t the Advent, both the first and the second, about faithfully waiting? Remembering that even during the long wait, when the night is at its darkest and coldest hour, that the light is drawing near? Remembering that the brilliant dawn of His coming, is soon ready to destroy and forever 2 Connection banish the bleak night of sorrow and death in which we now wait? Hebrews 11:1 reminds us that, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” For now, we see only the glimmers of His light. Yet very soon; sooner than we might hope or even imagine, we who live in the darkness, will see Him, who is a great light. That’s great news for all of us who do not like waiting. It’s great news for all of us who long to see Jesus and go home with Him! May the promise of His soon coming, give confidence and peace to your heart at the start of this new year. STEVE HALEY President Evangelism Boot Camp Evangelism Boot Camp is just around the corner January 26-28, 2018. Ralph Ringer, director of church growth and evangelism training for the Southern Union, and David Hartman will host the weekend at Indian Creek Camp. It will cover the nuts and bolts of how to prepare for, implement, and follow-up a ShareHim evangelistic meeting in the local church. The training weekend will cover these pertinent topics:  How to. . . ·  Win Friends for Christ ·  Preach Dynamic Evangelistic Sermons ·  Use Computer Generated Graphics ·  Make Effective Calls ·  Do Soul Winning Visits To register call Marjie Noll in the ministerial department at 615-859-1391. Deadline for registeration is January 11. Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Connection Volume 17, No. # 1 Connection magazine is published quarterly by the Kentucky- Tennessee Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Steve Rose Executive Editor Denise Pope Layout & Design Printed By College Press, LLC D irectory President: Steve Haley VP for Administration: Steve Rose VP for Finance: Aaron McNulty PO Box 1088 Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37070-1088 (615) 859-1391 (615) 859-2120 FAX Department Extension President VP for Administration VP for Finance Children/Youth/Young Adults Communication Community Services Education Hispanic Ministries Ministerial Publishing Pathfinders Religious Liberty Stewardship Trust Services Women’s Ministries 1006 1034 1004 1023 1034 1034 1019 1007 1005 1005 1023 1005 1023 1008 1016 Indian Creek Camp (615) 548-4411 (615) 548-4029 FAX Nourish Christian Marketplace (615) 859-1125 (888) 345-0500 Toll-Free Order Line Highland Academy (615) 325-2036 (615) 325-4824 FAX Madison Academy (615) 865-4055 (615) 865-4117 FAX 3